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Minister’s Corner: Hostility to Christ

Jesus said, as is recorded in John 7:7, “The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.”
The world is hostile to Christ. The reason is that Christ is the Light of the World. He reveals everything that is wrong, everything that is sinful. He condemns sin. That is the reason He is hated even to this day. He condemns sin by His very presence, by His very life. This raises hostility in man because the heart of man is evil and desperately wicked according to Scripture. Christ went to the cross because He loved the human family. Redeeming love is what has broken the heart of hostile man.
For example, we see this clearly in the life of Saul of Tarsus, later to become Paul the Apostle. He was breathing out threatenings. He hated the Lord Jesus and anyone who followed Him. But, when he came to know Jesus as his savior, it broke his heart and he could say, “He loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 3:20).
We, like Paul, need to come to the place where we understand that Christ loves us so much that He is not willing for us to continue in a life of sin and end up separated from Him for eternity. Instead, He convicts us of our sin by His holy spirit. He sheds His light on us that we might repent and receive Him into our lives.
Let the love of Jesus break the hostility you might bear toward Him!

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