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Heritage Manor News: A year of wellness

Since new health information comes out almost daily, seniors can be confused and overwhelmed by it all. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is of utmost importance. Residents often will not have an opportunity to experience cold and winter days because of the warm climate they live in. They hesitate to go outside on cold days for health and safety reasons. January is fitness month, as well as soup month. February is heart health month. March is national nutrition month, April is donate life month, May is hearing and vision month, June is men’s health month, July is fall prevention month, August is hydration month, September is Alzheimer’s Disease month, October is bone and joint month, November is diabetes awareness month and December is mental health month. This is a total year of wellness.
National humor month also falls in April. Humor is a great antidote for stress and pain. Humor and laughter can bring the mind and body back to balance, distract us from our worries, give us hope and connect us to others. So eat healthy, exercise, enjoy the outdoors and above all have humor and laugh.
The staff of Heritage Manor extends get-well wishes to Kenneth Castille and Francis Nelson.
The staff of Heritage Manor welcomes Velma Taffi to the facility.
The staff of Heritage Manor wishes a Happy Birthday this week to Sue Guillory and Gary Landreneau.
Activities this week include Come Lord Jesus group, in-room visits, pokeno, bingo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, manicures, hot dollar, Washington Baptist Church service, parachute fun, rosary, social reading, group exercise, mass by Sacred Heart, bouree games and a movie and a snack.
Congratulations to Lindsey Fontenot for winning the pride card for January. She is an afternoon shift CNA and goes the extra mile for residents and co-workers.

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